Are you a new business or have workers' comp losses?
Have you been non-renewed for any reason?
Has your workers' comp been cancelled? Are you a new business with no experience MOD?
If so The PEO Experts can provide you workers' comp insurance through a PEO.
Contact us today for a Free No Obligation Proposal.

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A qualified agent will contact you shortly to determine your preferences and go over your options.


We can help any business, no matter the size, loss history or a new business

Providing your business with Workers' Compensation coverage through a PEO is our main goal and our only focus. We constantly strive to put action to the words, "Business Made Easy". We relentlessly develop new markets, enhance existing programs and add additional class codes to help you be successful. We can help any business:

  • Hard-to-Place Accounts
  • Insureds with High Experience Modifications
  • New Ventures and/or Insureds with No Prior Insurance
  • Flexible Payments Plans
  • Height Exposures
  • Large Shock losses

Although workers' compensation can be expensive, dollar for dollar, it is the most comprehensive and valuable coverage available for both your company and your employees. If you do not qualify for a stand-alone workers’ compensation insurance, we will get you approved through a PEO, The PEO Experts can help you find the program that suits your needs.

No Audit Needed with a PEO expert onboard

When clients use a PEO there are NO Workers' comp audits

Workers' Compensation Insurance is an essential component of your business. One single claim without this coverage can end your business! Think about it!

What a PEO offers:

A PEO will handle your payroll and workers’ compensation coverage, as well as the filings for FICA, Federal Unemployment Taxes (FUTA) and State Unemployment Taxes (SUTA.)

Your employees’ payroll can be a constant challenge. Would you prefer to keep up with:

  • Calculating wages and payroll deductions
  • Preparation and delivery of payroll checks
  • Preparation of management informational reports
  • Annual Workers’ Compensation Deposits
  • No Workers’ Compensation Audits
  • W-4 Completion and Withholding
  • Federal I-9 Employment Eligibility Forms
  • W-2 preparation
  • 941 Form preparation
  • FICA filings
  • Federal and State Unemployment Tax filings
  • Payroll deductions such as child support or alimony
  • Direct Deposit

PEO helps you save money

Or would you rather have a specialist handle this for you while you do the work that keeps you in business?

Providing your business with Workers' Compensation coverage through a PEO is our main goal and our only focus.

We constantly strive to put action to the words, "Business Made Easy".
We relentlessly develop new markets, enhance existing programs and add additional class codes to help you be successful.

We can help any business:

  • Hard-to-Place Accounts
  • Insureds with High Experience Modifications
  • New Ventures and/or Insureds with No Prior Insurance
  • Flexible Payments Plans
  • Height Exposures
  • Large Shock losses

We can help any business no matter the size, loss history, and lack of coverage or new business find workers' comp coverage through a PEO.
Request a quote for free from PEO Experts

Thank you for choosing to do business with us. We greatly appreciate your business and the confidence you have shown in our company. We hope to continue to earn your business with superior service and competitive products.